Australian Trout Foundation ATF Online
VIFA - Victorian Inland Fishing Alliance

Feb '16: The Australian Trout Foundation (ATF) and Native Fish Australia -Vic (NFA). have recently signed a 'Memorandum of Understanding' (MOU) formalizing an alliance between both parties known as the "Victorian Inland Fishing Alliance" (VIFA).
This alliance (VIFA) will address the lack of prioritization of inland fishing matters before government and will keep important issues uppermost to the attention of fisheries managers and government officials.


VIFA's goals will be accomplished by undertaking the following activities:
- Unite the energies and expertise of the ATF Vic and NFA Vic executives and members;
- Direct those forces to the best advantage where needed;
- Present a united front at forums such as the Recreational Fishing Roundtable Forum;
- Provide a powerful representative voice for all Victorian Inland anglers

Each organization will independently record all activities as engaged by VIFA for the information and benefit of its members, and will present such information at its regular meetings as appropriate.

This MOU does not commit either the ATF Vic or NFA (Vic) to any supply or disbursement of any funds. If any funding is required for any particular project or activity, it will be the full and unanimous agreement of both organizations executive committees, and be governed by the current in-place rules of each organization. Where appropriate VIFA will seek government funding for selected projects and activities.